Brooklyn Jewish wedding Photography

Locations: Crown Height, Brooklyn, NY
Venue: Oholei Torah Ballroom
Couple: Eli & Chaya

Shooting Weddings in your hometown can be a bit too much at times. You have the same venue and the same spots to capture. But as a photographer, you need to see the new opportunities that emerge in the scenery. Especially when it comes to Urben photography, you really need to know how to use the Urban style to get the best shot.
At times people want and insist on taking wedding portraits in the park where there are nature and greenery. which would be ideal in most cases. But here I had to shoot in the urban streets of Brooklyn. and I found that there is so much potential in urban Brooklyn. I mean, ok, it’s not your traditional day-to-day wedding background, and to be honest sometimes it’s a bit difficult to find that exact spot to take that perfect shot. But once you get the hang of it and learn the style of the street it’s so much more fun than what you would imagine!
There I so many elements and different backgrounds that you can choose from that aren’t necessarily the same style but it’s there and as a photographer, you learn how to take advantage of everything around you. Like the stone walls or the way the sun shines between the house in an alleyway, you need to have a vision and capture the moment.
Taking photos for Jewish Weddings in Brooklyn is fun because of those new opportunities for creativity. is what every photographer waits for.